The teams do their final Pitch
The final Pitch
The five teams from around the globe do their final pitch of their final day in the Napoli Boot Camp.
the Teams had to come up with a new to the market product or service.. They had to do a lot of research to justify why their product is a winning one.
The teams and the members are:
LiveAlert a smart watch for busy professionals such as Doctors to help keep them to their appointment times
- David Ferrera,
- Thomas Daly,
- Francesca Pernice
- Luciana Gentiluomo
- Noelle Cafone.
SunTop, - a laptop with a solar panel that self charges
- Luis Mendoza
- Jonathan Hadley
- Jennifer Milligan
- Donna Rigby
- Dominique Michalec
- Julia Smit
- Ellysa Lamperti
- Ilario Adinolfi
- Luca Buonocore
- Laura Roberts.
- Yuewen Gao
- Lina Tao
- Martin Mckelvie
- Calum MacDougall.
Climate Chameleon
- Patricia Alvare
- Lourdes Hernande
- Pasquale Montemarano
- Alexander Buhse
- Abigail Miller
Watch the shortened version of the pitches
Watch the fuller version